Estudios y Papers

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Estudios y Papers

Estudios y papers

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Material sólo para la Comunidad

Estudio de factores predisponentes y medidas de control de daño por exceso de calor en arándanos - Richard Bastias - UDEC
Effect of nitrogen rate and water replacement level on leaf biomass production and leaf nitrogen concentration of ten pot-grown blueberry cultivars
Effect of load regulation by winter pruning on fruit quality attributes of Duke and Legacy blueberry cultivars
Can the firmness, weight and size of Blueberry fruit be enhanced 2 through the application of low amounts of calcium to the soil?
Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities
Whole blueberry protects pancreatic betacells
Preharvest and postharvest UV radiation affected flavonoid
Blueberries and cardiovascular disease prevention
Piloto Demostrativo, Desafíos varietales
Informe Final